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For librarians at the University of North Florida, there was a need to move beyond information literacy instruction to one-on-one and small group research consultations to aid in student success. By staffing the research desk with staff and students, librarians were able to open their calendars to allow more time for in-person, phone, and online consultations to aid in meeting the research goals of students at the institution. After assessing the research consultation program for two years, there has been a positive correlation between research consultation usage, satisfaction in completing assignments, and student success measures throughout the university.  相似文献   
美国国家档案馆为纪念宪法《第十九条修正案》100周年,发起一项为期18个月的全国性倡议,带动各州庆祝妇女选举权。本文分析指出美国妇女选举权档案开发利用的内容特色——主题集中、关注个体和突出人物;方式特色——多媒介、数字化和关联式开发并行,最后总结出对我国的启示——档案开发利用宜主题集中、方式多样、把握时机的持续性。  相似文献   
2019年国际篮联篮球世界杯在中国圆满举行,广州作为分赛场,承接了西班牙、波多黎各、突尼斯以及伊朗四支代表队的小组比赛6场。通过对广州赛区四支队伍在小组赛中的表现技术进行分析,并对比中国队在本次赛事中的表现,发现中国男篮在备赛与参赛阶段,存在大赛目标不清晰,心理训练与细节训练不足,教练团队执教水平不稳定,篮球基本功不扎实等一系列问题,反映出我国篮球的发展正处于困境。系统地分析广州小组赛中四支队伍的赛况,并与中国队做出对比,有针对性地提出建议,为中国篮球的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
Several studies have shown significant improvements in the attitudes and perceptions of healthcare professional students toward interprofessional education (IPE) immediately following intervention with IPE courses. However, there remains little evidence on the lasting effects of IPE courses and the long-term influences of these IPE experiences are poorly documented. The purpose of this study is to assess the long-term effects of an intensive, ten-week interprofessional gross anatomy dissection course at McMaster University. Attitudes and perceptions of past participants towards interprofessional learning were evaluated, now that they have started working with other healthcare professionals outside of the IPE course setting. Thirty-four past participants who have clinical experience working in interprofessional settings or are currently working in the healthcare field completed a follow-up questionnaire consisting of a modified Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) and open-ended questions. Quantitative analysis revealed a significant decrease in their attitude towards teamwork and collaboration and respect for other health professions, but a significant improvement in their understanding of roles and responsibilities compared to their results immediately after the IPE intervention. Qualitative analysis of open-ended questions revealed several themes such as developing interprofessional competencies, developing relationships, and remembering the strengths of the IPE dissection course. The results of this study indicate that the IPE experience in anatomy was highly valued by the students and that past participants maintain a clear understanding of their scope of practice, but the reality of clinical practice may have eroded gains made in the program. Anat Sci Educ. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

It is a common fact that women's sport and leisure history, especially in male dominated spheres, and more specifically football, have been ignored by many academics. However, in recent years there have been major developments in digital technology that have changed the nature of the type of research that can be done. Access to tools to facilitate field research are relatively cheap and with the high volume of digitisation projects that have taken place over the last few years as well as the increasing number of born digital resources that have been published, there are new opportunities. In relation to women's soccer in Ireland, this paper asks the question – where are we now? The argument will review the current literature on this subject and outline potential approaches for future research.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence indicates the critical importance of cerebrovascular dysfunction in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer''s disease (AD). However, systematic comparative studies on the precise brain vasculature of wild-type and AD model mice are still rare. Using an image-optimization method for analysing Micro-Optical Sectioning Tomography (MOST) data, we generated cross-scale whole-brain 3D atlases that cover the entire vascular system from large vessels down to smallest capillaries at submicron resolution, for both wild-type mice and a transgenic (APP/PS1) mouse model of AD. In addition to distinct vascular patterns in different brain regions, we found that the main vessels of the molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG-ml) undergo abrupt changes in both diameter and branch angle, spreading a unique comb-like pattern of capillaries. By using a quantitative analysis workflow, we identified in the hippocampus of AD mice an overall reduction of the mean vascular diameter, volume fraction and branch angle, with most significant impairment in the DG-ml. In addition, virtual endoscopy revealed irregular morphological features in the vessel lumen of the AD mice, potentially contributing to the impairment of blood flow. Our results demonstrate the capability of high-resolution cross-scale evaluation of brain vasculature and underscore the importance of studying hippocampal microcirculation for understanding AD pathogenesis.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法等研究方法,对我国各省份学生体质健康测试第三方机构督查的独立性进行研究。通过对我国各省份学生体质健康测试第三方机构督查独立性的现状、问题、原因及对策的探索,在政策上,可以为教育行政部门改革提供决策思路和参考,在实践上,可以提高学生体质健康测试督查的权威性和有效性,倒逼学生体质健康测试的规范化实施。研究发现,当前我国各省份学生体质健康测试第三方机构督查的独立性差,主要体现在第三方机构与教育厅存在行政隶属关系、存在利益关联、第三方机构工作自主性差3个方面。影响学生体质健康测试第三方机构督查独立性的因素主要为中国传统文化对体育和公民意识的漠视、当事方的利益诉求对第三方机构督查独立性的限制、法规制度缺位、第三方机构发育程度低等。提出保障学生体质健康测试第三方机构督查独立性的对策:教育部对第三方机构督查的责权划分做出设计安排,培养公民意识,扩宽经费来源渠道,第三方机构完善自身治理。  相似文献   
Damian Spiteri 《Compare》2019,49(6):888-904

This study explores the insights about teaching that student teachers elicit from schools when they go on their first school placements. It thereby offers an appraisal of how student teachers experience teaching when still at the relatively early stages of training and how they are socialised into a role where they become protagonists who can create a positive teaching climate in the classroom. The authors approach this study from the perspective of construction of meanings and consider the discourse that takes place in candidate teacher-student interactions in two university settings – in Malta and China, respectively. The study shows how student teachers believe that cultures and cultural differences need to be clearly considered across the curriculum if schools are to promote active learning equitably.  相似文献   
This paper sets out to appraise (from the perspective of members) the impact of a localized, football-based mental health intervention. Commissioned in late 2015, the ‘Redcar and Cleveland Boot Room (BR)’ was implemented in response to mass redundancy in the local area, coupled with regional suicide rates in men that exceed the national average. Interactive discussions with BR members revealed that: (a) the language of football and shared identity were important for initiating and sustaining engagement in the BR; (b) peer-support and mentoring combined with member-led activities were active ingredients of the BR and (c) that the BR was an effective vehicle for building mental health resilience. This evaluation adds to the evidence base on the value of football as a context to engage adult males in community-based interventions targeting mental health resilience.  相似文献   
“体育强则中国强”,体育在国家建设、人才培养、社会发展中具有举足轻重的重要作用。进入“新时代”,在复杂的国际形势下,在中华民族迈向伟大复兴“中国梦”的征程中,“以体育人”已成为社会的迫切需求。体育蕴含的自信自强、不畏强敌,顽强拼搏、永不言弃,团结协作、爱国奉献,德艺双修等精神,以及历代先贤对“武”的重视、国家领导人有关体育的论述等已为体育课程思政建设指明了方向、提供了活水源头。  相似文献   
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